Each team can have a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 members.
Each team should have one team Captain, who will be responsible for forwarding all necessary information to his team.
Each team has to select 1 domain of their choice out of the 4 given domains while registering. No team can change their domain once registered.
All the team leads will be added to a WhatsApp group for better communication.
Registration phase ends on 26th April 2020 at 00:00 hours. After this all team Captains will receive a list of problem statements from the domain they have chosen. They have to vote for 1 problem statement from their domain within 24 hours of receiving the problem statements.Explanation:- All captains who selected Transportation as their domain will receive a list of problem statements related to Transportation and a means to vote. After 24 hours we will announce the most voted problem statement of Transportation domain. A similar process will be done for the remaining 3 domains too. If there is a tie then organisers will give the tie-breaker vote.
After the voting phase is over, you can now see the most voted problem statement from each domain. Teams of Transportation domain will now have to work on the most voted problem statement of Transportation domain. Similarly, other domain teams work on the most voted problem statement of their domain. This marks the beginning of the Preliminary Round.
Preliminary Round
Team captains have to create a single private repository on Github from our template repository at https://github.com/dsckiit/TeamName-DomainName-DevHacks and add dsckiit as collaborator. (Do not fork. Use Github’s “Use as template” button to create your repository from this template)PPT is compulsory and should be added to this repository.Note: If you want to send us a video to demonstrate your solution, upload the video on your Google Drive and share us the link. Video length should not exceed 5 minutes.
The team is expected to submit a PPT (compulsory), a video explaining their project(optional), and a prototype (Extra marks will be awarded if prototype is ready). Further rules for PPT will be communicated via E-mail or WhatsApp.
Submit your repository link (and optional video link) on Dev Hacks portal or via the google form mailed to the Team Captains.
Once submitted, no further changes in the repository and its contents is allowed. Any team found making changes will be disqualified.
Submission phase begins at 15:00 hours on 30th April 2020 and closes at 15:00 hours on 1st May 2020.
Note: If the number of registered participants in any domain exceeds 20 then we will only accept the first 20 submissions from that domain for this round.
Once the submission phase is over, a panel of judges from DSC KIIT will start scoring each submission.
Final calculated scores will be shown on the Dev Hacks leaderboard. Each domain will have it’s separate leaderboard. Top 3 teams from each domain move to the final round.
The Prelims results will be displayed on devhack.dsckiit.tech on 2nd May 2020.
Final Round
The top 12 teams in the finals will be given a time slot and a link to join the Zoom/Hangouts session with the final Judge on 3rd May.Note: The scores of the prelims round will be nullified.
All members of a team should be present during the zoom/hangouts call.
Each team will get 5 minutes to present their solution to the judge by sharing their screen for PPT and 2 minutes will be allocated to the judges for cross-questioning.
All teams must respect the judge’s final decision.
Following results will be announced:
Winner - overall
1st runner up
2nd runner up
Certificates will be mailed to the finalists at their team captain’s mail id.